Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ reacted to the words of US President Joe Biden regarding the 1915 events and said, “I condemn the US President Joe Biden, who repeats the slanders against our nation, our ancestors, our history and our state about the 1915 events. The Turkish nation has a clean hand, a clean conscience, a clean history. No amount of slander can change this historical truth.”.
Making a statement on his social media account, Bozdağ stated that history is only the subject of history science and historians and other related sciences and scientists. Emphasizing that US President Joe Biden should leave history to the witness of the archives and scientists, instead of repeating the slander about the 1915 events, Bozdağ noted the following:
“Historical truths will not and cannot be changed by political decisions, statements of politicians, country administrators or countries, or the decisions of the parliaments of countries, nor can they be changed by court decisions.
I condemn the US President Joe Biden, who repeated the slanders against our nation, our ancestors, our history and our state about the events of 1915. The Turkish nation has clean hands, a clean conscience, a clean history. No amount of slander can change this historical truth.”
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